by Nathan Ligon | Dec 24, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
The horror of war has been vividly displayed on screen in many ways in the past. In fact, it almost feels like every great filmmaker has to have their crack at it before their career is done. Christopher Nolan and Mel Gibson being the most recent to illuminate our...
by RedCarpetCrash | Dec 18, 2019 | Movie Trailers, Movies
1917 Cast: George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Andrew Scott, Richard Madden, Claire Duburcq, with Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch Director: Sam Mendes Studio: Universal Pictures Release Date: Limiter release Christmas and wide release Friday,...
by Nathan Ligon | Dec 17, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
12. Robert Downey Jr. – Avengers: Endgame This has truly been the role of a lifetime for Downey and he has never been better than in this final performance. 11. Taron Egerton – Rocketman Elton John is a tough role, but Taron Egerton completely owns it. He...
by RedCarpetCrash | Dec 3, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
Review by James Lindorf In 1998 “Saving Private Ryan” showed us to the horrors of the Omaha Beach landing, with its mesmerizing 27-minute opening. With a limited opening on Christmas day before releasing across the country on January 10th, Director Sam Mendes does the...