by David Ferguson | Mar 17, 2020 | Movie Reviews, Movies
Greetings again from the darkness. It’s now been over 100 years since World War I ended. The Great War garners barely a mention in high school history books these days, and Hollywood has devoted much more time and energy to WWII. Filmmaker Peter Jackson did his part...
by Nathan Ligon | Dec 24, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
Getting down to twelve films on this list was a very difficult proposition. In fact, the bottom part of my list is completely out of my original order because I switched a few of them out so many times. Outside of the top four films, pretty much any of these movies...
by David Ferguson | Dec 24, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
Greetings again from the darkness. For 2019, I reviewed 259 new releases (this includes 4 film festivals), and to put it bluntly, this was a terrific movie year filled with quality movies that entertained and educated. Below you will find my Top 11 movies of the year...
by Nathan Ligon | Dec 24, 2019 | Movie Reviews, Movies
This year caps an unforgettable decade and the films that are on this list will be placed together with a small group of films that are truly revered. Nearly a thousand movies are produced every year and many never grace the silver screen. The hundreds that do are...
by Susan Kamyab | Dec 24, 2019 | Interviews, Movies
“1917” takes us on a desperate trip across the bleak landscape of World War I, following two British soldiers carrying a vitally important message. I sat down with director/writer Sam Mendes, co-writer Krysty Wilson-Cairns, and stars George Mackay and Dean-Charles...