Book Review: ‘The Lady Upstairs: A Novel’ By Halley Sutton

by | Nov 13, 2020 | Books | 0 comments

Jo works for a staffing agency The Lady Upstairs, which is just a front. They find marks and get comprimising photos and then blackmail them. Jo has no idea who the Lady is but she is in debt to her. She works with her friend Lou and Jackal. There current mark is a bigtime movie producer and Ellen is the girl to get him. But she’s falling for him and that’s a no-no. Then he is killed in her apartment and Jo and Lou have to help cover it up and keep Ellen quiet. Soon the police are on the case and Jo needs another mark to get money fast and she also needs to figure out who the Lady is to take her down once and for all.

A solid mystery with interesting characters, some well planned twists and a great ending. Hopefully we will see more of Jo.

You can pick up The Lady Upstairs in stores on Tuesday, November 17th from Putnam.