Book Review: ‘Breathe In, Cash Out’ Is A Good Debut Novel

by | Jul 6, 2019 | Books | 0 comments

The debut novel from author Madeleine Henry is a solid story about one woman and her desire to change her life from the job she has to something new.

Allegra Cobb graduated from Princeton with an A average and got an internship and then a job with a top-tier investment bank Anderson Shaw. She has a two-year contract which is coming due in December right after end of the year bonuses. Allegra is also big into yoga having won an American Yoga National Competition. She wants to be a yoga instructor and she plans to quit her job after she gets her bonus. Her job requires her work a lot of hours, sometimes it seems like 24/7.

She is put on a committee to work on a big potential new client and running the committee is her new boss Mark (who she just had a one night stand with). She wasn’t aware at the time he worked where she did. Her father also pushes her to be the best at her job.

She soon meets her Yoga guru Skylar Smith and is taken under her wing. But she may not be the person she thinks she is and soon finds herself being drawn into her world and it is affecting her job. Soon Allegra has decisions to make about what her future will be.

Author Madeleine Henry worked on Wall Street so she knows about what she writes in regards to the financial parts of the story. The story is delightful and the reader really roots for Allegra to get to do what she wants to do. The story at time has some lol moments and is really well written. Madeleine is one to watch out for in the future.

You can pick up Breathe In, Cash Out in stores Tuesday, July 9th from Atria.