Watch Trailer For ‘The Dog Doc’

by | Feb 14, 2020 | Featured, Movie Trailers, Movies | 0 comments

Opening at the Quad Cinema in New York March 13, 2020

Opening at the Laemmle Royal in Los Angeles March 20, 2020

National theatrical and theatrical-on-demand dates to follow

As a pioneer of integrative medicine, which combines conventional medicine with cutting edge alternative treatments, veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein has been called everything from “maverick” to “miracle-worker.” Attracting four-legged patients from around the world, Dr. Goldstein’s practice, Smith Ridge Veterinary Center, provides holistic care for animals after other vets have given up hope.

In THE DOG DOC, director Cindy Meehl (BUCK), goes behind the scenes at Smith Ridge to capture the full drama of “Dr. Marty” and his colleagues’ life-changing commitment to wellness and the astounding results they achieve. Filmed over a 2½ year period, Meehl’s unobtrusive camera highlights the vulnerability of her subjects – canine and human – while tracking each animal’s progress. THE DOG DOC joins the touching stories of families with the hard science of integrative care. By casting an intimate lens over this unique world, THE DOG DOC shows the healing powers of wellness, compassion and hope.

"The Dog Doc" Trailer from CEDAR CREEK PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo.