by David Ferguson | Dec 24, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
Greetings again from the darkness. For 2019, I reviewed 259 new releases (this includes 4 film festivals), and to put it bluntly, this was a terrific movie year filled with quality movies that entertained and educated. Below you will find my Top 11 movies of the year...
by Nathan Ligon | Dec 24, 2019 | Movie Reviews, Movies
This year caps an unforgettable decade and the films that are on this list will be placed together with a small group of films that are truly revered. Nearly a thousand movies are produced every year and many never grace the silver screen. The hundreds that do are...
by Nathan Ligon | Dec 17, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
12. Robert Downey Jr. – Avengers: Endgame This has truly been the role of a lifetime for Downey and he has never been better than in this final performance. 11. Taron Egerton – Rocketman Elton John is a tough role, but Taron Egerton completely owns it. He...
by Nathan Ligon | Dec 17, 2019 | Featured, Movies
This years line up of actresses is not quite as diverse as I would like, but that’s not their fault. Every performer on this list delivered exceptional work and deserves great praise for delivering audiences the characters that they deserve. These are the best of the...
by David Ferguson | Dec 6, 2019 | Featured, Movie Reviews, Movies
Greetings again from the darkness. Nicole has already made her decision. The film opens with her and husband Charlie in a therapy session. They are listing traits they admire about the other person. Watching this, we are unsure if the therapist thinks this exercise...