In a groundbreaking move that merges the worlds of football and basketball, Peyton Manning and Jamie Horowitz have orchestrated what might be the most ambitious sports docuseries to date. Netflix's "Starting 5," which premiered on October 9, 2024, offers a look into...
A Look Back At The Nanny In The 90’s
Do you remember 'The flashy girl from Flushing, the Nanny named Fran,' from that one iconic theme song? In its run, the hit 90s sitcom The Nanny attracted audiences for its comedy, family dynamics between the characters, romance, and, surprisingly, costumes. This show...
Watch Teaser Trailer For ‘The Last Of Us’ Season Two
After five years of peace following the events of the first season, Joel and Ellie’s collective past catches up to them, drawing them into conflict with each other and a world even more dangerous and unpredictable than the one they left behind. Season 2 cast: Season...
Watch Trailer For ‘Shrinking: Season Two’ On Apple TV+ Wednesday, October 16th
Emmy Award-nominated comedy “Shrinking,” starring Emmy-Award nominee Jason Segel and multi-award winner Harrison Ford, and created by Emmy Award winners Bill Lawrence and Brett Goldstein, and Segel. The 12-episode second season will premiere globally on Apple TV+ with...
Watch Trailer For ‘Rivals’ On Hulu Friday, October 18th
Set against the backdrop of power-grabbing social elites, "Rivals" dives headfirst into the ruthless world of independent television in 1986, where hair-dos are big and ambitions are even bigger. Deals are brokered in boardrooms, as well as bedrooms. Nobody...
Watch Trailer For ‘Cross’ Based On The Alex Cross Book Series On Prime Video Thursday, Nov. 14th
Meet Detective Alex Cross. Cross premieres November 14 on Prime Video. Based on the books of James Patterson's Alex Cross.
A Market-Making Program and Its Impact on Crypto Trading Volumes
As businesses increasingly adopt cryptocurrency, Crypto-as-a-Service solutions enable seamless integration of crypto-related services like wallets, trading, and custody. These ready-made tools allow companies to enter the crypto space without extensive expertise....
Watch Trailer For ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’ On Netflix Thursday, October 17th
The Lincoln Lawyer, Mickey Haller (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo), an iconoclastic idealist, runs his law practice out of the back seat of his Lincoln, as he takes on cases big and small across the expansive city of Los Angeles. Based on the series of bestselling novels by...
4 Iconic Women on TV Who Wear Glasses
Fashion accessories like eyewear can help elevate a woman's looks, hence why a classy pair of sunglasses are so popular among fashionistas across the globe. The global eyewear industry is projected to reach $279.4 billion by 2032 due to various factors, including...
Watch Preview For ‘Only Murders In The Building’ Season Four Tuesday, August 27th
In season four of “Only Murders in the Building,” Charles, Oliver & Mabel wrestle with the shocking events at the end of season three surrounding Charles’ stunt double & friend Sazz Pataki. Questioning whether Sazz or Charles was the intended victim, our trio’s...