Book Review: ‘The Oracle’ Is The Next Thrilling Sam And Remi Fargo Novel

by | Jun 1, 2019 | Books | 0 comments

Sam and Remi, the married treasure hunting team are back for their eleventh novel which brings them to Tunisia and Nigeria. And of course their lives are in danger every step of the way. And they wouldn’t have it any other way.

A curse dating back to 533 A.D. involving the Last Vandal and Narcissus, when a scroll was stolen, is the basis for the story of the dig that Sam and Remi are currently financing. They have a dig taking place in Tunisia and an ancient discovery is made. When they fly their to check it out and they see what everyone else sees. Ancient stairs that lead to something old and potentially sacred and very valuable. The reason for their trip is the ledgers don’t add up money wise and it looks like someone might be scamming money.

The duo is also financing a girls school in Nigeria and it’s coming along well except a big shipment has been hijacked on the way to the school. So they head there themselves to deliver a new shipment. Along the way they meet a girl posing as a boy that is part of a gang working the streets. They end up with her and make their way to the school where once again there is an attempted hijacking. They avoid it in the only way Sam and Remi now how. Using their brains and their skills.

Things seem to be going okay when the bad guys rush the school and take Remi and some of the girls hostage. Most have fled to an underground bunker to hide. Sam had left to go to the airport and learns of the kidnapping and is on the case. Of course Remi is not one to deal with and she soon goes on offense against the kidnappers. And it also looks like they may have something to do with problems at the dig site in Tunisia.

After taking care of the hostage deal they head back to Tunisia where they encounter more problems and it leads to shocking revelations and potential loss of lives in a climatic showdown.

Another great Sam and Remi story. Great characters and stories make this one of my favorite series. Actually I am a fan of all of Clive’s series of books. He has quite a few that he releases every year. It’s time to job aboard the Clive Cussler bandwagon.

You can pick up Oracle in stores on Tuesday, June 11 from Putnam.