Book Review: ‘The Nine Lives Of Rose Napolitano: A Novel’ By Donna Freitas

by | Mar 29, 2021 | Books | 0 comments

When Rose Napolitano and her husband Luke got married they agreed they would not have children. Now years later Luke decides he wants to have a kid but Rose is against it. It leads to arguements that go on for a while. When Rose finally says she will. But Luke finds her prenatal vitamins and Rose has not been taking them. It leads to nine different lives in which it starts out with the fight and how each time it would play out. The different versions include Rose having the baby, Luke walking out, affairs and how different their lives would be. All told from the perspective of Rose.

A great debut novel that looks at the issues of having children, to marriage, to talking out issues and lies and affairs. You follow along on this journey and truly wonder how it will end for all invovled.

You can pick up The Nine Lives Of Rose Napolitano in stores on Tuesday, April 6th from Pamela Dorman Books/Viking.