Book Review: ‘The Godmothers’ Might Be One Of The Best Books Of The Year By Camille Aubray

by | May 26, 2021 | Books | 0 comments

Nicole is married to James and they live in New York. James has been offered a job at the White House at the Justice Department in 1980. That means security clearances must be done. James knows there’s no skeletons in his closet. Nicole is not so sure. She knows she won’t get answers from her mother, so she goes to the next best source, her Godmother, one of four that she had growing up. She is told stories dating back to the 1930’s and all leading up to today. Her four Godmothers Filomena, Amie, Lucy and Petrina. All four women’s fates came together because of one family that was part of the mob. Each woman has their own secrets and we learn all the shocking details as the years go by. And what stories they are. Author Camille Aubray has written a story that you just won’t want to put down. Everything comes together with great characters and twists and turns that will keep the reader engaged throughout. A perfect summer read.

You can pick up The Godmothers in stores on Tuesday, June 15th from William Morrow.