Book Review: ‘Buseyisms’ By Gary Busey Is His Story Written In His Unique Way

by | Aug 29, 2018 | Books | 0 comments

“What is a Buseyism? I take the letters that spell a word to create a definition for the word in the truth of its deeper, dimensional meaning. I weave in my personal anecdotes along with my musings on how I live life successfully according to my experiences.

Who am I, a genius, a crazy madman, to give advice? This is not advice. I am sharing the life lessons I learned while surviving the ups and downs of almost 50 years in Hollywood, a near fatal motorcycle accident, a drug overdose, two divorces, bankruptcy and cancer in the middle of my face. I may turn concepts you usually believe in upside down with my bizarre stories, but that comes with the dinner.

These are my life lessons, my B.I.B.L.E.—Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.” Gary Busey

And so begins his book about his life. Each chapter is a word that becomes a Buseyism. This is Gary’s story told in his own unique way. And if you know Gary or ever met him (I have met him) you know he’s not all there and I mean that in good way. He in a word is crazy. He will tell great stories and then spout off on religion and God. You might ask one question and 20 minutes later he’s still talking. That is what makes Gary Gary.

In his book he starts from when he was born, to school and playing football to his first girlfriend and forming a band and touring the country. His start into acting which he never planned to do and how he was a natural at it. To his first marriage that came with an ultimatum. His acting career with bit parts, movies and then Buddy Holly. How he was on top of the world and then how drugs took over his life. His motorcycle accident and how he shouldn’t have lived and and his revelations while fighting to stay alive.

His personal life with his kids, women and affairs and fun behind the scenes stories on his acting projects and everything else with his life. Gary doesn’t hold back and you learn all about the Oscar nominated actor and maybe you will take away a word of wisdom as well.

A well-written bio that will make you laugh, maybe shed a tear and say wow how is this guy still alive? You can pick it up in stores on Tuesday, September 4th from St. Martin’s Press.