Watch Trailer For ‘Miami Love Affair’ Starring Burt Reynolds

by | Jun 21, 2018 | Movie Trailers, Movies | 0 comments

The film, which stars Burt Reynolds, Monica Pasqualotto, Ralph Kinnard, Anisbel Lopez, Rusbeh Bani, Alan Klinger, and Ana Lucia Chaverria, won the “Best Ensemble Cast” award at the Flager Film Festival, and screened at the Miami International Film Festival.

Over the past few months, the film has screened internationally as an Official Selection at the Calcutta International Cult Film Festival, Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto, Singapore Independent Film Festival, and the Nice Film Fest International.

In “Miami Love Affair” Burt Reynolds is a wealthy businessman and art dealer who is the personification of everything the elegant high-life the city has to offer. “Come to Miami! Fall in love!” he says. Reynolds’ character, Robert, acts as the narrator and guide through the romantic escapades of those in his orbit. The story unfolds and follows three relationships as they sail through the highs and lows of the biggest international art fair in Miami. The couples (re-) discover their true passions and inspirations, their relationships to the monetary aspect of art, and possibly find love in the process. By the end of the art show, not all the twosomes are comprised of the original couples after being swept away by the Latin flair of Miami.