Executive produced by Ryan Reynolds and hosted by Adam Scott (“Big Little Lies”), “Don’t” is a comedic physical game show where doing nothing is what it takes to win (finally!). Contestants are given the opportunity to team up with their family and friends for the chance to win a cash prize of up to $100,000 by tackling hilarious tasks, each with the simple rule: “DON’T.” From Banijay Studios North America, ABC’s newest summer game show premieres THURSDAY, JUNE 11 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT).
“I’m excited for people to see ‘Don’t’ and feel we made the right call in changing what was the working title: ‘Please Do Not,’” said Adam Scott.
In each episode, members of a four-person team strive to accomplish various challenges, such as “Don’t Blink,” “Don’t Look Back” and “Don’t Play Ball in the House,” as they work together to build their bank. If they fail a challenge, they don’t earn money and suffer ridiculous consequences. Along the way, they’ll have the choice to take risks by pushing the Don’t Push Button or taking a chance on a Don’t You Dare, You. In the end, whatever money they have left in their bank – if anything – is theirs to keep. The series is voiced by Ryan Reynolds and features hilarious, unexpected moments that break from the traditional game show format.
Produced by Banijay Studios North America, “Don’t” is executive produced by Ryan Reynolds, David Goldberg, Caroline Baumgard, David Hurwitz, Conrad Green and George Dewey. The “Don’t” format is distributed internationally by Banijay Rights.
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