Book Review: ‘This Might Hurt: A Novel’ By Stephanie Wrobel

by | Feb 11, 2022 | Books | 0 comments

Following last years Darling Rose Gold, author Stephanie Wrobel is back with another exiting novel. So far she’s two for two with me. It’s an exciting psychological thriller that keeps you engaged, with lots of twists and turns you don’t see coming. Natalie Collins and her sister Kit have been estranged for a while now, since the death of their mother to cancer. Kit left six months ago to a retreat on a private island, that has no communication with anyone. Natalie gets a mysterious e-mail from someone on the island threatening her about her ‘secret’ and Natalie decides to go to the island and fine her sister and confess the secret. When she gets there she finds her sister but she’s changed. And there’s something wrong with this island and retreat. We learn via alternating chapters about how this island started and about the lives of four girls that had never met but have a collison course with destiny.

You can pick up This Might Hurt in stores on Tuesday, February 22nd from Berkley.