Book Review: ‘Beyond All Doubt: A Novel’ By Hilton Reed

by | Feb 24, 2024 | Books | 0 comments

Cameron Kane’s wife died almost a year ago, in a fiery car crash, and left him and their daughter Sabrina behind. On his way back from L.A. for a job interview, he sees who he thinks is the man that was driving the car when it crashed, looking a little different, but it can’t be or can it? He can’t let it go and starts to do some digging, and he also gets a couple of mysterious texts from his dead wife. He hires a private detective, and there’s a lot more going on here, and he’s opened a can of worms, and now bad guys have taken his daughter, and are after him. There are shootouts, deaths, and shocking reveals about just what has been going on. This book is great, it’s well-written, has a good plot that you want to keep reading, and the action scenes are top-notch. One of the best books of the year. It’s in stores on Tuesday, March 19th from Crooked Lane.