Book Review: ‘Act Of Negligence: A Doc Brady Mystery’ By John Bishop M D

by | Jun 2, 2021 | Books | 0 comments

Dr. Jim Bob Brady is once again in the thick of it. Patients from the Pleasant View Nursing Home have been arriving with orthopdic issues that Doc Brady has to fix. They all suffer from dementia as well. And all four have died either during or after surgery. None of it is Doc Brady’s fault but he wants answers. So he along with Dr. Jeff Clarke, who does the autopsies start investigating the deaths. Jeff finds things that don’t look right. And Soon Jim Bob and Jeff are on the hunt for answers and it may end up costing them their lives.

Another good novel in the series featuring the great character of Mary Louise, Jim Bob’s wife, who wears the pants in the relationship. Their marriage and relationship is well-written in each book (and the highlight of each story) and it’s fun to read where author John Bishop will take Jim Bob in each book.

You can pick up Act Of Negligence in stores on Tuesday, June 15th.