Archer is an animated, half-hour comedy that follows Sterling Archer as he navigates the changing landscape of the spy world. This season, Archer and The Agency are finding their own way with Lana at the helm. Her goal is to make money while also making the world a better place, but she quickly finds out running a spy agency isn’t so cut and dry.
The series features the voices of H. Jon Benjamin as the world’s greatest spy, “Sterling Archer;” Aisha Tyler as the spy with marital troubles, “Lana Kane;” Judy Greer as the crazy office assistant in search of a special skill, “Cheryl/Carol Tunt;” Chris Parnell as the reliable company-man, “Cyril Figgis;” Amber Nash as the enthusiastic offender, “Pam Poovey;” Adam Reed as the opportunist, “Ray Gillette” and Lucky Yates as the experimenter-in-chief, “Algernop Krieger.” Season 14 also features Natalie Dew as the gang’s new super-agent, “Zara Khan.”
Archer was created by Adam Reed and is executive produced by Reed, Matt Thompson, Casey Willis and co-executive produced by Mark Ganek at Floyd County Productions. The series is produced by FX Productions.
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